#95 – Revised Retirement Resources

(This is a major revision of post #68, titled “Retirement Resources”, which started out with just a few useful websites on retirement subjects. It didn’t address any of the retirement-themed podcasts or books I’ve consumed over the past four years, so now I’m going to try and make a manageable list of my preferred resources Continue reading

#94 – More Than Enough

Just finished Mike Piper’s book titled More Than Enough which touches on many other retirement life blog themes- challenges in switching from saving to spending, living with purpose, giving while still alive, and other related topics. The author highlights the trend where so many retirees go the extra mile to ensure they have enough resources Continue reading

#90 – Lifelong Learning: Initial Thoughts

My son is closing in on completing his formal, school-centric education after 25 consecutive years in the classroom and/or research lab. I anticipate that from now on his lifetime learning trajectory will be fueled primarily through less formal means during his workforce years and beyond (not that the informal learning was lacking during these past Continue reading

#87 – Employment Update

(April 2024 update is a couple of paragraphs below) One would have thought the word “employment” dropped out of my vocabulary following retirement in December 2021…. Quick background. Twenty-six months ago I retired from full time work and we moved down to Fairfield Glade in Eastern Tennessee (plateau living with lots of golf courses, lakes Continue reading