(This is a major revision of post #68, titled “Retirement Resources”, which started out with just a few useful websites on retirement subjects. It didn’t address any of the retirement-themed podcasts or books I’ve consumed over the past four years, so now I’m going to try and make a manageable list of my preferred resources Continue reading
#94 – More Than Enough
Just finished Mike Piper’s book titled More Than Enough which touches on many other retirement life blog themes- challenges in switching from saving to spending, living with purpose, giving while still alive, and other related topics. The author highlights the trend where so many retirees go the extra mile to ensure they have enough resources Continue reading
#82 – From Saving to Spending (Part 2)
My intent with this “Part 2” post was to delve deeper into the psychological influences on the transition from saving during our work force years to spending in our retirement years. The more I researched, the more it became clear that I was getting into areas over my head- plus it would probably make for Continue reading
#80 – From Saving to Spending
(I’ve edited this post which originally included a brief summary of a trip up to DC. This retirement subject, however, needs more room for content, so we’ll commit a separate post to the trip and add to this deserving subject) This retirement subject came up in a couple other posts, and if you spend time Continue reading
#78 – Major(ish) Monetary Miscue
OK, we learn from our mistakes. Hopefully as we get older the frequency of mistakes significantly decreases while our wisdom from positive experiences increases. Generally, most of us incorporate some degree of comparison shopping when buying things. If it’s a big ticket item, we’re likely to do a more thorough cost comparison. We want to Continue reading
#73 – Living With Purpose- Revisiting Legacies and Estate Planning
It’s been three plus weeks since the last post. Two trips kept me away from the blog, but also gave me plenty to write about later. The travel log can wait another week…actually a couple weeks as it’s dawned on me that this post will likely be multiple parts. I’m combining content from previous posts Continue reading
#66 – Investing Conventional Wisdom
If you’ve been investing for a long time you will hopefully have made several good investment decisions, but you most certainly have made some decisions with poor results (even if they were based on sound, positive information). And then there are just plain, bad decisions, for which I’ve made my share. During that same timeline, Continue reading
#65 – Updates on Retirement-Related Rules
Snow flurries here in Tennessee off/on all day long. So far a whole lot less snow this winter compared to last. Next week it’s supposed to hit 70, but I think we have another snow in our near future. I’m not trying to be your first source for retirement news, but this is worth highlighting Continue reading
#62 – Changes Coming in 2023
A carryover from this past Christmas season was a gift for the entire family that’s brought considerable joy- an online education subscription platform called MasterClass where viewers can access tutorials and lectures pre-recorded by celebrity experts in various fields. Started in 2014, almost 200 celebrity video podcasts (60-120 minutes of educational content broken into several Continue reading
#60 – What’s a Financial Coach?
Today- December 14- is one of those days in Tennessee where it’s going to rain non-stop. I had a list of outside things to do, so now we’re onto Plan B, which isn’t a bad alternative- sit down with a hot cup of tea and draft up the next blog post, while listening to the Continue reading