(This is a major revision of post #68, titled “Retirement Resources”, which started out with just a few useful websites on retirement subjects. It didn’t address any of the retirement-themed podcasts or books I’ve consumed over the past four years, so now I’m going to try and make a manageable list of my preferred resources Continue reading
#94 – More Than Enough
Just finished Mike Piper’s book titled More Than Enough which touches on many other retirement life blog themes- challenges in switching from saving to spending, living with purpose, giving while still alive, and other related topics. The author highlights the trend where so many retirees go the extra mile to ensure they have enough resources Continue reading
#90 – Lifelong Learning: Initial Thoughts
My son is closing in on completing his formal, school-centric education after 25 consecutive years in the classroom and/or research lab. I anticipate that from now on his lifetime learning trajectory will be fueled primarily through less formal means during his workforce years and beyond (not that the informal learning was lacking during these past Continue reading
#74 – Living With Purpose, Part Two
Post #73 focused more on some basic mechanics of estate planning, while this post adds content on living with purpose to estate planning efforts. At least a couple of you will suggest that the “finding purpose” step should come first, and you would be right. I suspect many of you already have a good idea Continue reading
#73 – Living With Purpose- Revisiting Legacies and Estate Planning
It’s been three plus weeks since the last post. Two trips kept me away from the blog, but also gave me plenty to write about later. The travel log can wait another week…actually a couple weeks as it’s dawned on me that this post will likely be multiple parts. I’m combining content from previous posts Continue reading
#71 – A New Job – Update 1
I wanted to put this out last week to make a short interval between posts, but when you’re dealing with the US Government (USG) in anything related to hiring, even indirectly, just sit back and be patient. So, for now, this is an interim post to be updated soon…hopefully. Almost four weeks ago I received Continue reading
#60 – What’s a Financial Coach?
Today- December 14- is one of those days in Tennessee where it’s going to rain non-stop. I had a list of outside things to do, so now we’re onto Plan B, which isn’t a bad alternative- sit down with a hot cup of tea and draft up the next blog post, while listening to the Continue reading
#58 – Helpful Conversations
Hope everyone had an enjoyable 2022 Thanksgiving weekend. We had a wonderful week with Andrew being home (along with a visit by Tayler, one of his cousins), and the week before, I got to visit a couple of USNA classmates. More to follow on each of those events. As mentioned on the home page, and Continue reading
#52 – “How Much Money Do I Need to Retire?”
I really dislike this question. It’s the marketing title of so many articles and other media sources that want to catch one’s attention and educate the intended audience- and often sell them their related financial product. It goes right along with similarly related marketing click-bait: “Will I run out of money before I die?” Guess Continue reading
#51 – Happiness
Starting my next set of 50 posts now. Haven’t had a comment in almost two months, but we keep pressing forward with posts about retired life. I’m doing something different this time. Below is an excerpt from a book titled The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel, most recently released in 2020. See what you Continue reading