(This is a major revision of post #68, titled “Retirement Resources”, which started out with just a few useful websites on retirement subjects. It didn’t address any of the retirement-themed podcasts or books I’ve consumed over the past four years, so now I’m going to try and make a manageable list of my preferred resources Continue reading
#89 – Untitled
One thing I learned these first few years of retirement (notwithstanding the occasional return to full-time work) is that changes have occurred in the things that bring me joy. OK, that may sound obvious, but these changes can come as a surprise- even if you had thought through what was going to fill your days Continue reading
#81 – A Great Fall Trip
A couple of weeks ago Beth and I headed up north on a 10 day trip up to the DC area which we knew would be enjoyable, but ended up being a whole lot better than expected. I’d like to say this is one of those typical retirement life trips, but it included a full Continue reading
#66 – Investing Conventional Wisdom
If you’ve been investing for a long time you will hopefully have made several good investment decisions, but you most certainly have made some decisions with poor results (even if they were based on sound, positive information). And then there are just plain, bad decisions, for which I’ve made my share. During that same timeline, Continue reading
#57 – Catching Up on Retirement Year #1 (dated Nov 2022)
(OK, it’s been about 3 months since the last comment. Guess I should beg for at least one…) This is just a snap shot of the notable retirement trends in the last few months of Retirement Year #1- since Post #48 dated July 11- life events and considerations for where being retired changes how one Continue reading
#48 – First Six Months of Retirement, Thoughts
Hey, almost to milestone post #50…….haven’t had a comment in at least a month, but the posts will keep on coming. The six month mark seemed to be a good time to make an initial assessment of this retired life. Overall, I approve! Certainly not missing being part of the full time workforce, and very Continue reading
#39 – Thoughts on Estate Planning
Before moving into estate planning, an update on our transition into retirement, now in its fourth month. We’re past the halfway point of April and are still dealing with persistently ugly weather- lots of rain with most temperatures in the 30s/40s/50s, really cutting in on golf opportunities, also preventing us from getting our home landscaping Continue reading
#32 – One Month Into Retirement
One month ago yesterday we were spending our first full day in our new retirement home. It was also the one year anniversary for starting this blog, which I now have more time to work on. The first month of retirement was a bit rough early on. We had everything planned out, but just didn’t Continue reading
#28 – Post Thanksgiving or Pre Christmas
This post started out as just a Thanksgiving note, but my self-inflicted delays have taken me into mid-December with way too much having happened since post #27. So this first paragraph summarizes that Thanksgiving week- a great week with light work load, a visit from our son, a quick visit to see our granddaughter, a Continue reading
#27 – “My Cup Runneth Over….”
I’m not sure how this post is going to come across (Of course there’s a good chance it won’t be read for a couple of months or years). It’s intended to cover many of our thoughts and preparations while transitioning to the retired life. The “Cup Runneth Over” reference is of course Biblical, coming from Continue reading